Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Wonderful World of Make Believe (Only in Real Life!)

Today, we took the kids to see Horton Hears a Who at the dollar theater, and I was totally impressed! I wasn't expecting that outcome for a lot of reasons. First of all, I am not a Dr. Seuss fan. Chris grew up with those stories being favorites, and I guess I just didn't. I've never been able to get very much into that whimsical, nonsensical Land of Make Believe stuff. I didn't really enjoy The Grinch Who Stole Christmas or The Cat in the Hat, so when Chris suggested we go today, I was all about going just for the experience of taking the kids and doing something fun together as a family, though I wasn't at all excited about seeing the film itself. Second, I usually think of Jim Carrey and Carol Burnett and cringe. To be fair, I guess it could just be some of their ROLES that I find obnoxious and not them. My other hesitation came from the thought of taking a 2 and a 3 year-old to the movies again. I've done that only once before (last fall, with my parents) and it didn't end very well. I missed quite a bit of Ratatouille (which, I suppose, I really didn't feel I missed) and ended up dealing with an unhappy child outside. I warned Chris ahead of time that if Ashley started having one of her fits, I would be leaving, taking the car, and going to do the grocery shopping and would pick him and Zachary up after the show ended. I was fully expecting that to happen...if I were living in Real Life.

Well, it turns out I really enjoyed the movie! I think it was the best of all the Dr. Seuss films made so far, and I didn't find myself wishing it would hurry up and end even once. And that says a lot coming from someone who almost would rather stay home and clean house than go to a movie these days. I feel so unproductive when I go to a movie unless it's one I really want to see, and I am probably the last person who knows what movies are coming out, so I generally have no thoughts about any of them. Me and the movies--probably a blog topic for another day. But this was a great experience that actually made me MORE interested in going back more frequently to the movies, even with the kids. Loved it!

Most of all, I was shocked and amazed that Ashley was a DOLL and I got to stay in the theater for the whole movie!!! We made sure to take her blankie (oh, the power of that blankie!) and she sat in my lap almost the entire time and just let me cuddle her for nearly 2 hours. There wasn't a single moment of distress for either of us. (Can somebody please pinch me?!) I love, love, LOVE that she was so easy today! That, to me, was like living in a fantasy world!


Heidi said...

Yeah, it's like when a baby sleeps through the night for the very first time--so wonderful but so hard to believe it's real.

Heidi said...

By the way, Tuesdays with Morrie is a wonderful little book! I was so into it that if I remember correctly, I read it in one day straight through! I haven't read any of the others on your list so be sure to recommend any that you really like.

Sarah said...

I'm glad you had a nice movie experience. It's terrible when it doesn't work. Church is one thing, but a movie, you've spent all that money!

Kelly said...

That's great to hear. I love our little mini movie of Horton Hears a Who so I haven't seen it yet, so I'm worried that I'll miss all the cute songs, etc. I'm glad to hear you liked it...I think I'll go see it at the dollar movie too. Which one did you go to?

Robin said...

I saw it at Movies 8 out here. It's actually $1.50, but I hear on Wednesdays, you can get in for $.50. Not a bad deal!

Kristin said...

I read Tuesday's with Morrie. It just so worked out I finished it the day before my Mom died of cancer. It was very therapeutic for me to read as I was dealing with the knowledge she was dying. Thanks for the review. It does look like a great movie and I have the same feelings about Dr. Seuss in general, the other Dr. Seuss movies and taking small children to the movies. I celebrate your movie success with you. VICTORY!