Sunday, May 25, 2008

Our Trip to San Antonio

It has been a week and a half since we returned from our mini-vacation to San Antonio, but I finally have the pictures ready to post. We really had a lot of fun together even if we didn't travel far from home. It was so nice to just get away for a few days as a family.

Day 1: Remembering the Alamo and Discovering Hemisfair Park

Yeah, I remember the Alamo. Been there, done that a few times. But I have 2 kids now (native Texans even!) who had never been. Oh, they couldn't have cared a whole lot less, but I've got proof that we took them to see a little piece of Texas history.

On the other hand, I've lived here for how many years without seeing Hemisfair Park?! I'd actually never heard of it until just before this trip. It turns out that Hemisfair Park was the site of the 1968 World's Fair. The LDS Church had an exhibit there and my grandmother sang with a group at the Fair. It was such a nice evening to take a walk in the park, and there was also a pretty cool playscape for the kids.

Day 2: Taking Our Monkeys Back to the Zoo

It had been about 6 years since Chris and I last went to the San Antonio Zoo. It's really nothing spectacular compared to some other zoos we've visited, but we always love seeing the animals without worrying that the kids are acting like animals, too. :)

Day 3: Cascade Caverns: A Little Hole-in-the-Wall Kind of Place

Caves are a great place to take the kids, as long as you can leave them down there if they start throwing a tantrum or something. OK, well maybe not, but we thought we'd check this out since Chris is into cave exploration and we haven't been to Carlsbad yet. This one was not so exciting for us, but it was OK and Zachary seemed to think it was pretty cool. Ashley, on the other hand,...maybe not so much.

I'm finally beginning to see the light!

Day 4: SeaWorld: Save the Whale Show For Somebody Else!

We ended our vacation with a trip to see Shamu. We had season passes a few years ago, and unfortunately the shows today are all still the same as they were back then. We were going mostly for the kids, though, since Zachary wasn't quite 2 the last time we went, and Ashley had been only 4 weeks old. Zachary had a blast riding the Shamu Express rollercoaster. Ashley's favorite ride was the moving conveyor belt at Penguin Encounters. Forget the penguins. Just give her a ride on the conveyor belt and she's happy. Make her sit through 30 seconds of "Believe", though, and you won't be! :D Save the day by retrieving favorite blankie from the car and everyone lives happily ever after.


Sarah said...

Looks like so much fun! Rich and I went to Carlsbad Caverns a few years ago. It was cool!

Kristin said...

It looks like you had a great time. San Antonio is one of my favorite cities in the world. It looks like you had a nice variety of activities. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Kelly said...

I have no idea how I missed THIS post. We just went to Sea World on Friday and to Natural Bridge Caverns earlier in the week. I've never heard of the other caverns place. I know whatyou mean about the shows at SW. Not only are they the same shows, but I could have sworn that it's the exact same "actor/dancer/diver" in the Water Works show as what I've seen the past few years I have gone there. He's got it down! I would think he'd tire of the goofiness, etc. It's still a wonderful place to take the kids, as you said.