This morning, two hours earlier than my kids normally get up, I awoke to the sounds of Zachary sobbing in his room. I dragged myself out of bed and went to go check on him and asked if he'd had a bad dream, to which he just said, "I neeeeeed wooo!" I gave him a hug to comfort him, and then guess who should also start "crying". It was a pathetic little fake cry, because Ashley has to do everything that Zachary does. So, I got her out of her crib to offer some "fake" comfort to her (just kidding!) and then everyone was fine again. Suddenly, in a moment of sheer enlightenment, Zachary looked at Ashley, the two of them sitting happily side-by-side with their legs dangling over the side of the bed, and he exclaimed, "Hey! We're KIDS!!!" With that epiphany, my world is suddenly starting to make more sense to me!
(And, content with that simple explanation for why I had to sacrifice TWO FULL HOURS of sleep, I sent the kids on a hunt to find all of their warm, fuzzy blankets and then asked them to pile them all on top of me until I couldn't see (or breathe) anymore. It worked! I got another minute or two of much-needed sleep.)