Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kids at Play


Kristin said...

Looks like you guys had a fun sunday and that your daughter looks JUST LIKE YOU!

Sarah said...

That's what I was going to say. She looks just like you! And don't you love spring? So much fun to be out with your family.

Jules said...

That looks fun!! I love that they put a fountain in at the park pond. It helps it look so much nicer!

Robin said...

That's so funny, I don't think Ashley really looks like me, but A LOT of people seem to think so...and vice versa. Tons of people think Zachary looks just like Chris, but my side of the family and people who have known me since childhood say the opposite. Am I just blind?!

Julie, yes, I think the fountain adds a nice effect. I wish there were better landscaping in our neighborhood and in/around the park area, but I guess our HOA dues can only cover so much, huh?