Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Double Trouble

I love the way little children (particularly 3 year-olds) pick up expressions from adults and then turn around and try to use them to express their own emotions. They often come out sounding more comical than anything else. For example, last year Zachary picked up the phrase "Give me a break!" Only when something happened that made him just a little mad, he'd exclaim, "Gimme anudder break!" Well, yesterday, he and Ashley were in the kitchen eating at the table and I was in the other room working on something for a moment. I could tell that something Ashley was doing was bothering her brother immensely. Suddenly, in a heated tone of voice, Zachary tried to stop her behavior and yelled out, "ASHLEY! GIVE ME ANUDDER SISTER!" I'm not quite sure what he meant by that, but somehow I don't believe that having TWO sisters would have made the situation any easier to deal with. Not for me anyway!


Kristin said...

hmmm. I am guessing he was wanting a switch rather than another addition. How cute though. My kids often say "What the. . . . " and I have to clench my teeth hoping the fact that noone I know personally swears in front of kids anyway, and we don't get cable. . makes a difference. So far so good. I have a friend who's son makes up funny stuff like that. He uses biblical swear words too. This 5 year old said about his Mom being late "I was going to be pretty damned Off" This kid is such a character.

Kelly said...

That is so funny.

Robin said...

I was guessing that he wanted to switch, too, but when I think about it now, I think whatever he was trying to communicate just all came out wrong. I think he's still too young to comprehend the possibility of trading away his sister.