Monday, November 5, 2007

Lawyer Jokes

Last night, as we were about to go to sleep, Chris and I got to talking about this summer job search that is seriously stressing him out. Why must we stress out about a summer job at the beginning of November, you ask? Because we must. Until he has a summer job, Chris has apparently decided that he will stop smiling, and that's no laughing matter. I can't help but feel sad and discouraged for him, too. He's doing really well in school and has certainly put a ton of effort into this hunt so far without much luck. Honestly, I don't have any doubts that he will find something that is right for him and for our family, but in the meantime, why can't he just be my old smiley Chris? I miss him.

I can't seem to offer much more than the usual reassurance that I love him and know that he will find something. I tell him that these places that have interviewed him but not given him offers don't know what a mistake they are making. He is such a hard worker and is very dedicated. Some future employer will be very happy with Chris. Until he finds those people, though, I'm afraid I'm just losing air.

So, just before we went to sleep, in one last feeble attempt to cheer him up, I asked if I could hire him. He looked at me like I'm nuts or something. "No, seriously, I need an IP lawyer. Can I hire you?" Smiling, I expected to hear my old Chris come back with something witty. "No, because you can't pay me anything."

Anyone have some money I can borrow? I think I'm going to need to hire a lawyer.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Patience is a virtue. I have hope that Chris will be nabbed by some lucky company too, before too long. Hang in there, you two!