Sunday, April 6, 2008

Breakfast of Beauties

Do you remember the 70's and 80's when Wheaties, using star athletes in their advertising and on their packaging, claimed to be the "Breakfast of Champions"? Well, if you ask Zachary what he ate this morning, he might lead you to believe that I've been experimentally serving up my own special formula for the "Breakfast of Beauties": chocolate chip waffles, strawberries, and "cold cream." Let me assure you that it really was whipped cream! I promise I don't believe in reducing wrinkles or preserving that deliciously smooth and soft baby skin by shortening the life span of little children. However, occasionally serving up a fun breakfast may be one way to maintain one's youthfulness.


Heidi said...

Yum! Wish I had been there!

Kristin said...

That does sound way yummy. I am not againt doing stuff like that for breakfast either. I like chocolate chip oatmeal and Tim likes chocolate chip pancakes. . . well I do too...but between the two our kids get spoiled a lot by chocolate.

Kelly said...'re a nice mom!