Thursday, May 1, 2008

2 Many Things 2 Love About My 2 Year-Old!

I love her natural curls. God knows I have a hard time doing my own hair but I can (sort of) handle a bow.

I love how persistent she is when she wants something. At times that can make her a real challenge, but underneath it all, I admire that quality in her.

I love that she loves animals, even though they also seem to scare her to death.

I love that she sometimes pushes aside her dolls and girly stuff in favor of rolling cars and trucks around on her hands and knees.

I love that she'll bring her socks and shoes to me out of the blue when she has decided it's time to go somewhere.

I love how she'll get a full bottle of juice out of the refrigerator and try, with all her might, to carry it through the house until she find me so she can ask for some "ap-ple joosh."

I love how bedtime has never been a battle with least it hasn't been one yet.

I love how she says, "Mommy, I 'tuck! I 'tuck, Mommy!" when she realizes she can't get out of her crib. Yes, that's the point I'm trying to make. :)

I love the way she (almost) always does what I ask her to do or at least flat-out tells me "nope!" She never really ignores me when I'm talking to her, because that soooo annoys me.

I love when she sometimes scolds Zachary for not minding me. :)

I love that she LOVES broccoli...and often finishes it before touching anything else on her plate.

I love when she spontaneously blurts out "Happy!" and how she only does that whenever she really means it.

I love how she eagerly nods her head while asking for if she knows that somehow it'll make me say "yes!"

I love how she is always happy to see me in the morning.

I love that she gives "kisses" by clicking her tongue next to my cheek.

I love that she laughs so hard when I cross my eyes at her. She acts like that's the funniest thing she has ever seen.

I love when she puts on a pair of glasses upside-down and thinks she is impersonating Grandma.

I love when I catch her singing along with or mimicking the characters on the shows that she's never too bored to watch over and over again.

I love that she still takes her nap every day. (Zachary gave his up before 2.)

I love how she adores her big brother. I hope that never changes.

I love how she brings her blankie into the bathroom while I'm fixing my hair just to be close to me.

I love how she waves and tells me "byyye!" before shutting herself in the bathroom closet and then gets scared and needs me to let back her out...only to repeat about every 30 seconds.

I love the way she makes herself "pre-tty!" by applying Daddy's deodorant to her cheekbones. HA!


Sarah said...

Very sweet. By the way, where did she get her curls?

Robin said...

She gets her curls from her ancestors. :D I've been told that Chris' mother's mother and my mother's father both had curls, but there really aren't curls in those in-between generations.

Kristin said...

Wow..after reading that, I think I love those things about her too. My favorite is how she nods her head hoping it will influence you to say yes. What a cutie pie.

Wendy said...

I love this list. And I love how the first thing she ever really said to me on the phone was "I love you." I can't wait to see you all in June.

Robin said...

I love that she said that, too, Wendy, and I'm glad there were 2 of us who heard it. Otherwise, I'd think I was imagining things. I haven't gotten her to say it since! We'll have a lot of fun when you come to see us. :)

Heidi said...

What a fun list! Children add so much entertainment to our lives!

Kelly said...

What a nice post about your little girl. She'll love reading this when she's 16. And 10 and 8. They can never hear enough how adorable and sweet they were as babies/toddlers. Mine love the stories.