Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What Part of "NO"...?

Zachary: "Mommy, can we play the shadow game?" (Shadows Over Camelot = fairly complicated adult game with an excess of small pieces.)
Me: "No, Zachary."
Zachary: (jubilantly) "Okay!!!"
Me: "Um, that was a no."
Zachary: "But THAT was a YES!"


Sarah said...

Very cute moment with your son, but more importantly, what is this game, and should I own it?

Sarah said...

Remember my email address is arthurswoman. Should I be playing this?

Robin said...

I can't say that it is one of my favorite games, but that's just me. I think that you and Rich (and maybe even Penelope) might actually enjoy it since you are into that sort of thing. It involves no role-playing (though I could see you improvising something) but has series of quests that need to be completed to protect Camelot. Check out a description at

Robin said...

By the way, Chris and I have only played the game once with more than just the 2 of us. You can play with or without the "traitor". Without the traitor, you are all really on the same team working together toward the same goal, so there wouldn't be the kind of competitiveness between players that Rich does not like.

Wendy said...

Wow, Zachary is already practicing the art of persuasion. I wonder where he learned that?