Thursday, May 29, 2008

When Playtime Gets A Little Twisted

Zachary and Ashley are having a heyday with some new toys they acquired yesterday for their birthdays courtesy of Aunt Steven and Uncle Amanda. (Don't ask me why, but I always mix their names up like that!) Anyway, Ashley got a new cradle for her dolly and Zachary got a set of power tools for his "workshop". (I think he thinks he will actually be building something with these tools, and today when I asked him what he plans to build, he said he's going to build a car. I think this is great since we could use a bigger car to haul more of our stuff around.)

Zachary and Ashley are like 2 peas in a pod sometimes...the best of friends, usually. And today they were playing so nicely together and sharing their toys so well. Occasionally, Ashley would get mildly irritated that Zachary had the screwdriver she wanted or that he was pounding the plastic nails into the plastic wood all wrong. So, instead of listening to her not-so-mild tantrums about Zachary taking HER tools away from her (She's 2--EVERYTHING is hers), I made Ashley his "Assistant Tool Girl." And there was peace in the land. (For some reason, giving Ashley a title always seems to make life so much easier. Previously, she informed me that "Queen" would be a good one.) It is safe to say that both kids love the tools. And a little later, when I broke out the new dolly accessories and put together the cradle, Zachary was suddenly fond of dolls, too! Imagine that!

So, for quite awhile, my 2 children played harmoniously together with the dolly, then the tools, and then they pulled out the doctor's kit. Not that my kids have scared me yet while playing doctor or anything, but I was curious to listen in while they examined the dolly. Her diagnosis was a broken leg. Ouch. I asked Zachary how the dolly got the broken leg, half-expecting him to concoct some unlikely story about the dolly's mother dropping the dolly after her bath, but he was simply unsure of how it happened. (Yeah right! Try telling THAT to the ER nurse.) So anyway, Zachary requested that I be there to assist with the fixing of the broken leg. All it takes, he said, is an "Owie-Aid" and the "Plunger". (That would be a Band-Aid and the syringe thingy used to give shots.) And, voila, the baby is all better and is resting comfortably again in her new cradle.

What compassionate children I have who would so lovingly care for their wounded playmate that way, I think to myself...and then, suddenly, Zachary pulls out his electric saw and declares, "AND HERE ARE SOME WONDERFUL TOOLS TO SCARE HER!"

OK, now you guys are scaring ME!

Little bundle of joy...
...feeling much better!

And here's my boy:
Is it just me, or is he holding that saw just like a shotgun?


Sarah said...

My favorite thing is to listen on the play commentary. I read once you can tell how good a parent you are by how your children treat their dolls.

Kristin said... time I was pulling out a splinter from Joes finger and Elisabeth watched on..this was when she was about 2 or 3. I kept telling Joe I was sorry it was hurting him. Later Elisabeth was telling her doll the same thing as she pulled out her eyelashes. AAAAH!!!! That is play time getting twisted too. What a great story. Thanks for sharing it.

Robin said...

That was a funny story, Kristin, and, yes, twisted. I hope you wrote that one down for your daughter. :)