How did you meet your spouse? Chris was the choir director in our single's ward (church) and his friend, who was the accompanist, introduced me to Chris one Sunday and jokingly said, "You can only be friends with Chris if you join choir." I'm still not exactly sure how my brain registered that. I can't sing, and I don't like being up in front of people. Choir wasn't really my thing, so I thought Chris wouldn't be either. But the same day, just a couple hours later, we crossed paths again in the hall. I guess you could say I got a second chance glance. In that short moment, there was something I can't explain that attracted me to him and I ended up at choir practice the next day. My interest in him was a well-kept secret. He hadn't even realized, when he asked me out 2 months later, that I was even interested in him, because all I did was go to choir and sing really bad! :)
Where did you go on your first date? He took me to dinner at Houston's (a nice steakhouse in Austin) and to see the movie, Remember the Titans. That dinner was the first and last time I think I have ever seen him eat salad (trying to make a good, lasting impression, I'm sure.) It was also on our first date that he told me he would never have a dog. (My parents had always promised me that I could have a dog when I got married.) I chose the right!!! :)
How long have you been together? Our first date was Oct. 20, 2000 (two days after his birthday.) We were married on November 9, 2001. We've been together almost 7 1/2 years.
Who eats more? Chris has a bigger appetite but more selective taste. I like more of a variety of things but actually eat less.
Who said I love you first? Christopher did, but I suspected something was up when he invited me to go house-hunting with him. We picked out our first house together before he told me, "I love you." How strange is that?! He signed a contract for the house and then admitted that night that he intended the house to be ours.
Who sings better? No question. He does for sure.
Who is smarter? Chris is incredibly smart, and I had the good sense to marry him. :)
Who does the laundry? I do, but he occasionally helps fold or put it away.
Who does the dishes? I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
Who pays the bills? Chris does.
Who mows the lawn? Chris does all the lawn work, but it bothers his allergies, so someday he will pass that off on somebody else (just not me!)
Who cooks dinner? I cook almost all family meals. He's a great sport about cooking for himself when our schedules don't line up.
Who drives when you are together? I do a lot of the driving when we go places as a family, but he always drives when it's just the 2 of us.
Who is more stubborn? We are both stubborn in different ways and about different things. He's silently stubborn and I'm a Leo. (Enough said.)
Who is the first to admit when they’re wrong? I readily admit when I'm wrong. Chris readily admits when I'm wrong. Problem is, he is never wrong...or so he thinks. :)
Whose parents do you see the most? My parents live 15 minutes away, and Chris' parents live 15 hours away.
Who kissed who first? Chris claims I did. I guess that's why there was a 2nd date, and a 3rd... :D
Who proposed? Chris did. We had already picked out the ring and the house. I'd met his parents; he'd received permission from my parents. So, it wasn't a big surprise. We were in the midst of planning the wedding and on our way to pick out our announcements (the weekend of my 25th birthday) when he casually passed the ring box, wrapped in birthday paper, to me in the car like it was my present. I was so mad at him for that! (Who combines their birthday and anniversary so they only get one gift? Not me.) So, we had a pretty lousy time picking out our announcements, and I just wanted him to take me home afterwards, but he started driving the wrong direction. He made me go with him to Zilker Gardens, and I thought it a little strange that a guy would take his backpack with him to a botanical garden, but I was blind-sided because I was mad at him. Then, at my favorite spot overlooking the rose garden, he opened his backpack and started handing me some little birthday gifts and tried again to just toss the wrapped up ring box at me like it really was no big deal, just my birthday present. By then, though, I realized what was happening, but when I opened the ring box, the ring wasn't even in there. He had completely set the whole thing up (getting the rise out of me) to throw me off, and after we both got a good laugh, he got down on his knee and officially asked me to marry him and presented the ring. (And, of course, I wasn't mad at him after that.) It was a very memorable birthday for me--one of my favorites.
Who has more friends? I do. Neither of us is especially outgoing, but Chris is less so than I am.
Who has more siblings? Chris has 2 and I have 4.
Who wears the pants in the family? Chris does, but I'm the belt that holds those pants up.
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