Thursday, March 27, 2008

Me Encanta la Musica de Plaza Sesamo!

Ever since the 6th grade, I wanted to learn Spanish. I enjoyed all the classes I took from 8th grade on up through 3rd-year in college. At one point, though sadly no longer, I considered myself pretty proficient. I dreamed that one day my kids would also learn Spanish and that maybe they could become fluent in it even though I never was.

Several years ago, I found this cute CD that I thought I'd use to introduce my kids to Spanish. It worked wonders at keeping Zachary calm and happy in the car during the frequent trips we made to Houston his first year. And the tunes are catchy enough that I actually didn't mind enjoyed listening to the whole thing TWICE on each stretch of the trip. Now that Ashley is into all things Elmo, she loves listening to this in the car or when I put her down for a nap. (Both kids request it nightly, actually.)

Who knows? Maybe my kids will speak Spanish someday...just hopefully without furry monster accents! If you love Sesame Street (in English or Spanish--the songs are mixed) you might will definitely want to check this out!

[My favorite track? No Me Gusta (I Don't Like It)]


Kristin said...

Seasame street music is awesome. I grew up listening to some Sesame Street tapes and have a CD for my kids. Ours is in english however. Good luck with the bilingual thing!

Kelly said...

Muy bien! What a great idea.

Hey, how do you type a word and have it crossed out looking? I like that effect.

Sesaamstraat is how you say Sesame Street in Dutch, in case you were curious.