Saturday, March 29, 2008

Love You Forever (and don't you EVEN try to stop me!)

From birth to the Terrible Twos, through grade school and the formidable teenage years, during young adulthood and finally on up to the attempted escape to married life, this book shows you, step by step, how to become a true-blue, dyed-in-the-wool Stalker Mom.

The main character in this story is your typical, Suburban-driving, let's-have-your-friends-over-for-milk-and-cookies kind of mom. Each night, no matter how many poopy diapers she'd had to change; no matter how badly her toddler trashed the bathroom she'd just spent 2 hours cleaning; no matter how many times she had to call her boy in for supper; and no matter how many times she found mold spores growing on dirty dishes in his room, she still loved him more than you can imagine, and she never, ever used excessive force. Even though there were days when he drove her crazy and those when she felt like she lived in a zoo (or wanted to sell him to one), their nights always culminated in her singing the same sweet love song:

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be."

But the more you read, the more you'll realize that this is one persistent lady. When her son packs up and tries to leave home, she takes to driving madly across town with a ladder strapped to the roof of her SUV and zip ties and duct tape on the seat beside her just in case (oh, and his mended pants and a casserole dish of his favorite chicken and dumplings), and she climbs through her grown son's window to rock the nearly 200-lb. sleeping man in the very same way.

Isn't this the kind of mother all women aspire to be? I know I do. And that's why I love this book! (And you think I'm kidding...)


Kelly said...

Robin, is this a children's book, or a for-real self-help parenting book?

Robin said...

Kelly, this is a children's book. It really is a cute one (and no, there really is nothing in it about zip ties and duct tape! I had to clear that up with Chris.)

Kristin said...

I prefer the book entitled "Confessions of a Slacker Mom" It's great and it depicts my attitudes towards parenting to a "T". I love my kids and would do anything for them that they needed..and much of what they wanted. I would not however classify myself as a Martyr Mom or anywhere near one. This is the kind of book that makes me feel like I need a Self-help book cause I am nowhere near this perfect and selfless as a mom.