Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dressing Up and Dressing Down--Fashion Faux Pas When Your Mama Dresses You Funny

Whenever I buy new clothes or shoes for the kids, I usually try to buy things big so they won't outgrow them too quickly. I like to think that I am stretching our dollars further that way, and I just figure that all budget-conscious parents do the same.

So, I recently bought these cute shoes for Ashley, who has been wearing a size 5 for quite some time now. Knowing that she's bound to outgrow them any day now, I opt not to buy these new shoes in a size 6 but in a size 7. She should be able to wear these at least through the summer, I'm guessing. I made the mistake of showing them to her when I got home, and already displaying signs of a shoe fetish, she demands I let her wear them immediately. I slip them on her feet, and yes, she looks and walks like she's got on a pair of mommy's shoes, but because they have a nice little strap to hold her feet in, she shuffles around in them a bit but the shoes don't fall off. Well, because they have this floral pattern on them in colors she hasn't before worn, I went in search for a couple of outfits to match making a mental note to buy some that will not only fit her now but that she will be able to wear for as long as she can wear the shoes. I was successful in my search, or so I thought.

This morning, for church, I put Ashley in one of these new outfits, thinking she'll be so happy to get to wear her pretty new shoes. She is happy enough to also let me put on the new outfit as well. (Sometimes we have power struggles over her fashion sense vs. mine.) The clothes are big, but not too big. Except the little skirt, I discover. Yes, the skirt's too big, but we're going to be late, so I grab a safety pin and pin it at the waist. Voila! Works like magic. She's dressed, she's happy, and we're off to church.

The kids behaved during Sacrament, even if they did get restless and needed to be taken out near the end. There were no issues while dropping Ashley off at Nursery, and Zachary, as always, went willingly to Primary. The next 2 hours go by smoothly and I'm feeling so pleased that I had such a great day even though I had to do this all while Chris was out of town. That's a feat in and of itself, since he helps me so much with the kids on Sunday mornings. After classes were over, I picked up the kids and started heading toward the car but stopped to chat with someone for a moment. The next thing I know, Ashley is walking down the hall in a shirt and a diaper. OK, so she is not quite 2, but I am still as easily embarrassed by this as if it were my own skirt that is missing. I scramble to put it back on without making it obvious that my daughter has just lost her bottoms. Meanwhile, I'm blocking the hall, so I hurry to move out of the way just as Ashley's Nursery leader's husband comes walking by and announces, "Oh yeah, she was just pulling that thing off ALL DAY!"

Oh, to be 2 and to drop your clothes wherever you like without a care in the world. Someday, she'll have nightmares about this sort of thing just like I do.


Kristin said...

Hey, is this the former Robin Shwaush (sp?)This is the Former Kristin Sandberg who married the former and still Tim Sanley. I got your blog through Heidi's. I will tell her to send you my e-mail since I think you guys are probably chatting. Good to get a hold of you both. Love your blog.

Kelly said...

She's uninhibited. That's a good quality to have. She's got a few years to figure out modesty, so I wouldn't worry yet.

Robin said...

Hey, Kristin! Great to hear from you, and thanks for loving my blog. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with it, so you have given love the edge...for now. :)

Kelly, thanks for being a faithful reader and for all your comments.