Thursday, August 23, 2007

Prehistoric Apprearances

It seems that I am the only member of my family willing to eat vegetables these days, so as I was enjoying a wonderfully colorful and delicious salad at dinner tonight, I thought I would take a moment to teach Zachary about good nutrition. He has been in this phase for quite some time now where he will only eat foods that do not belong in any food group. Actually, he does just fine with anything that sits atop the food pyramid...and almost nothing else. Anyway, my point was, after he more than refused the matchstick carrots offered with totally fattening, homemade buttermilk ranch dressing, I decided I'd better say something encouraging. I started out my speech by telling him that eating healthy foods and drinking lots of water helps me to have big muscles. (OK, so he is only three and doesn't know any better, but I had to give it some appeal.) He took a big gulp of chocolate milk and said that he had big muscles, too. His attempt to show me his muscles was pretty much identical to mine. I told him that drinking milk is good, because it helps him to have strong bones and healthy teeth, to which he replied, "You have big dinosaur bones, Mommy!" Maybe I'll start exercising more and stop wearing purple...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

My tip is to just keep offering those veggies. They'll enjoy them some time!